👍 ai.keyboard Social theme inspired by social-networks look and feel to give your ai.type keyboard smooth experience when you post on Facebook or chat with your friends 💑 on your Facebook Messenger 😉.
👍 It’s look good, it’s comfortable to use, clear for your eyes and very focused. Try it out yourself!
👍 ai.keyboard Social theme is an extension for ai.type Keyboard and requires ai.type Keyboard 6.5.0 or above (Plus or Free) to work. You can download it <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aitype.android&referrer=utm_source%3Dexternal%2520theme%26utm_medium%3Dai.type%2520Sketch%2520Colors%2520Keyboard">🎇here🎇</a>
Run it once to apply on the keyboard.
Currently compatible with ai.type Keyboard Free and ai.type Keyboard Plus, does <b> not</b> compatible with latest A.I.type Tablet version.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br>